Thursday, July 19, 2012

Follow-up on the Research Plan webinar

I was delighted that so many people turned out for yesterday's "Plan Your Way To Research Success" webinar.  For the middle of summer I was surprised that we nearly reached the 1,000 seat maximum limit.

Geoff Rasmussen, the webinar host, got on early and chatted with some of the audience attendees.  One was from Colorado, one from England and another from Australia.  The Australian was up at 4am to hear the webinar thanks to the time zone difference. Now that is devotion to genealogical education!

My goal with yesterday's webinar was to convince genealogists about the benefit of research plans and to encourage using them with their research projects. I was carefully trying to weigh providing an in-depth talk while trying not to scare people off at the same time. I hope I succeeded.

Many people asked about the research plan forms that I used in the webinar.  I had included them, both sample filled-in ones and blanks, in pdf format in the handout on the CD.  Many people requested them in MS Word format so that they could use them electronically and alter them for their own needs. The GOOD NEWS is that I was able to get the MS Word format to Geoff so those will now be available on the CD version as well.

For anyone who missed the webinar it is available on the Legacy Family Tree website to view for FREE for the next 10 days.

Here are the relevant links:

If you decide to buy a CD you can use the coupon code "success" to get a further discount on the price. The code is valid through Monday, July 23, 2012.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything you heard on the webinar. I'd be happy to address any questions on my blog.

Thanks again for tuning in yesterday!


  1. I was registered, but had to cancel because something came up. I was VERY sad to miss it because I LOVE your webinars and I love how Geoff hosts them. Will listen to the replay, but it's never the same as Live.

  2. Marian, just watched the webinar today and really enjoyed it. You did a great job of explaining the need for a research plan and how to set it up. Thank you for doing this!

  3. Marian, thanks so much. I am on a self-imposed mission to really better my genealogy research and documentation. So, between you and Elizabeth Mills, I am gaining lots of new ideas on how to be a better researcher. Am planning a trip to Massachusetts in April, so will start now with the planning sheets you designed. Thanks so much!

    1. Margie,

      Doing the research plans will really help you get organized for your trip to Mass. You'll find you'll get twice as much research done while you're here! Good luck!

  4. Finally, research plan forms that make sense to my brain! Thank you, Marian!

  5. I am very pleased that the CD, which I ordered while expressing the hope that the Word format forms would be available, in fact will include them. Thanks again, it was fun.

    1. Yes, the Word format forms will be on the CD.

  6. Marian, I was unable to sign up, but watched it later. It was great. Thank you So much. I'm going to order a CD version just because I know I can learn even more by watching it again. Thank you.

  7. The webinar was great. How do I get the Handouts? I ordered the CD but I never get the handouts. I would really like to see the forms you use. I have never found one that is comfortable and fits my style. Mary Ellen Libby Aube
    e mail:

    1. The handouts are always on the cd. If you are having trouble accessing them call Legacy Family Tree and they will guide you through the steps.

  8. Excellent webinar! I have been guilty of researching without a plan. You mentioned that you created your forms in Word. I gave it a try but not with much success. Are the forms available with the cd?

    1. Yes, all the forms are on the CD in pdf and MS Word format.

  9. I had some time at home alone a few days later and did get to view this webinar. When Geoff asked the question in the beginning about research plans I wasn't sure how to answer. I sometimes feel that I am disorganized in my research but realized as I watch that I have used a research plan and can be organized when I need to. That said I always learn something new from these webinars. Thanks Marian.
