Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bloggers and Wannabes, Listen Up!

So you have a blog. Or you want to start one. Let me let you in on a little secret. I am always surprised at how many people don't know this. So here's my own Public Service Announcement.

There's a wonderful place on the web called Geneabloggers. It's a place just for you. And when you start your blog you can announce it there. Over two thousand people could potentially learn about your blog.

I realized recently that I announced two of my blogs - Roots & Rambles and The Symbolic Past - but I forgot to announce my third blog, The New England House Historian. So I need to head over there myself.

Each week, Thomas MacEntee, who runs the blog, posts a list of all the new genealogy blogs submitted to him. This week's list has 21 new blogs that are being announced. No matter how unknown or well-known you are or with a major organization or not or an author or not, you will all get equal billing in the New Genealogy Blogs annoucement.

I was happy to see this week that I had discovered some blogs recently before they got announced.  Makes me feel like a bit of a talent scout!  I had already discovered In Black and White: Cross-Cultural Genealogy and The Journey Takers. But the rest of them, including Daily Genealogist by the New England Historic Genealogical Society were new to me.

Once you've announced your blog on the site you can return time and again for blogging help. If you get stuck on what to write you can visit the Geneabloggers section on Daily Blogging Prompts.  And when you get more advanced and you want to keep up with how to protect your content you can visit the Copyright section. 

So if you are thinking about blogging or need encouragement with your blogging head over to Geneabloggers!


  1. Thanks Marian for the shout out! As someone recently said as to my helping to get the word out on genealogy blogs: "Telephone, telegraph, tell Thomas"!

    And I've just listed The New England House Historian at GeneaBloggers! w00t!

  2. Yes! It's a great resource. There's a LinkedIn group for Geneabloggers members too.

    It was a great way to get the word out on my blog...but more than that, it was a great way to meet really nice people and become involved in the online genealogical community.

  3. I didn't know that there was a LinkedIn group for Geneabloggers. I am not very active on LinkedIn but you never know when it may prove helpful.

  4. You can find Geneabloggers on Facebook too:!/Geneabloggers

  5. I just reconnected with Geneabloggers - in fact, that's how I discovered your blog, and I'm so glad I did. I really like the writing prompts over there, too. Just what I needed!
