Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Top 10 Favorite Blogs of 2010

It's really hard for me to come up with just 10 favorite blogs. I read so many and lots of them deserve to be my favorite. For whatever reason, these 10 are the standouts.

They are listed in no particular order and leave out the "Big" bloggers and my New England Blogging Peeps.

Boston 1775 by J.L. Bell - the story of the American Revolution in Massachusetts. I'm astonished at his breadth of knowledge and am captivated by his endless curiosity.

Vast Public Indifference - the study of gravestone art. Just incredible. Beautiful art, in-depth knowledge and doesn't hold back on the opinions.

The African-Native American Genealogy Blog by Angela Walton-Raji,  - fascinating stories about stuff I know very little about in a part of the country I'm not familiar with.  I feel like an adventurer every time I read her blog.

Geder Genealogy, Evangelist for African Ancestored Genealogy by George Geder  - George calls it like he sees it. I utterly respect his honesty and willingness to risk sharing it.

Clue Wagon by Kerry Scott  - Irreverent, spot-on and genealogy too!

The Slovak Yankee by Martin Hollick  - He's so cranky but when he's not in a bitter rant he's brilliant. Hopefully he'll stop ranting soon and get back to what he's best at.

Greta's Genealogy Blog by Greta Koehl  - An all around consistently good genealogy blog.

Mnemosyne's Magic Mirror by Mel Wolfgang - this is a relatively new blog but he always has something thought provoking and worth reading.

Olive Tree Genealogy by Lorine McGinnis Schulze - Lorine is a prolific Canadian blogger. She has a deep well of genealogical knowledge.

Pollyblog by Polly Kimmitt - When I want to improve my genealogy and learn something new this is where I go. Besides being a genealogical powerhouse, her posts are simply fascinating.  Yes I admit when I grow up I want to be just like Polly.


Little Bites of Life by Elizabeth O'Neal - I can't believe I almost forgot this one. One of my most favorite blogs. I probably like this blog so much because I can identify with her so easily. I love to watch her evolve just as I am evolving myself.


  1. Thanks for pointing in the right direction for a couple blogs I hadn't heard of!

  2. Marian, thank you so much for your kind words and for including me in this list! I love your blog as well - this is not just reciprocal "make nice" talk - because it has so many thought-provoking posts and also because I love the emphasis on place, house history, etc. Discovering the role of location in genealogy became one of the great surprises and attractions of genealogy for me. Now - I'm off to check the three blogs in the list above that are new to me!

  3. An interesting list, Marian. You've picked a couple of my favorites, but also included some I've not read frequently and a couple that are completely new to me. I'll have a diverse reading list to review during the football deluge of the next few days. For that alone I thank you!

  4. Thanks for the very kind words about Boston 1775!

  5. Thank you for this the list. I so need to get back to my blog reading.

  6. Thanks Marian,

    I appreciate your kind words and consideration.
    So many great blogs, so little time to read them all. But, I'm going to check out all the ones I'm not familiar with!

    Peace & Blessings
    "Guided by the Ancestors"

  7. Wow, thank you...that's great company to be in!

  8. I'm a bit slow this week keeping up with things, Marian. Thanks for including me in your "Top Ten" list; I really appreciate it.

    With all the stuff you do, I'm amazed that you can still find the time to read any of us! Thanks for being there for us all.
